How To Eat Healthy - Create A Super Healthy Meal In 15 Minutes

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hey guys how's it going this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I thought I'd do something a little bit different because some of you have been asking about nutrition and I've posted a few videos up there about proper nutrition and I've been criticizing a lot of you for eating junk food so I thought that I would show you something practical something that I like to make and how I like to eat clean I've really worked on my diet a lot over the last few years especially just been cleaning it up through going and cleaning up in phases basically trying different diets experiment doing different stuff reading a lot of books on nutrition and fitness and just trying to be healthier because I actually want to value my health not saying that I value my health but practically value my health and what that means is what I'm going to show you guys here so I'm going to show you what it really means to eat something healthy now for many of you this is probably going to blow your mind as simple as it is it's going to shock you what I'm going to show you because honestly it took me about eight years because I used to be fat I used to be sixty five pounds heavier than I am now I was that way for my whole life and it took me about eight years after I lost all that weight even though I lost it I was still eating a lot of junk food I was eating garbage just horrible stuff that has been causing me all sorts of problems and we'll have really destroyed my body down the road if I continue that way so progressively what I started doing is cleaning up my diet more and more and more and now I'm at the point where I'm eating really really healthy and this is something that's just like a part of my lifestyle this is something I love where before I had to really force myself to do it now it's really something that I'm passionate about and I continue to work on this so I'm still not 100% clean I'm continuing right now I'm actually going kind of through a vegetarian phase where I'm experimenting with vegetarianism which is something I thought I would never try but given the research that shows that it's so healthy for you I am on board so let us show you let me show you how to actually create something healthy let's see what I'm going to do is basically create a salad I feel like I'm Emeril Lagasse here or Rachael Ray from the Food Network I've got all this all this produce and all this stuff but really very simple so here's what we got the bottom line is that you need to be eating a lot of vegetables in your diet and some people will lump fruits and vegetables together no that's wrong fruits are okay you can eat them in moderation but you should not be relying on fruits you should be relying on vegetables the bulk of your diet should be green leafy vegetables and other vegetables that have all sorts of different pigments and colors because the pigments and colors in the vegetables have all sorts of natural nutrients that you can't get anywhere else you can't get them in synthetic form you can't get them in McDonald's cheeseburger so this is the stuff that you really should be eating this is what your ancestors were eating a hundred thousand years ago right they were not eating giant genetically modified fruits and they were not eating cheeseburgers and they were not eating wheat they were not eating bread they were not eating pasta they were not eating any of the nonsense garbage that you guys are eating so look here's what we want we want the maximum possible vegetables and we want them cooked as little as possible so ideally raw Rose what you want to be eating that's what your body burns the best it burns it cleanest it makes you feel good it makes you feel energetic and light it doesn't make you drowsy and it's the healthiest it produces the least toxins which ultimately are going to lead to all sorts of nasty diseases down the road so here what I've got is I've got some wild arugula from Trader Joe's I'm going to pile that on I like to pile on the greens I'm also going to take some just some romaine lettuce also from Trader Joe's it's organic everything that I'm using here is going to be organic so I'm going to pile that on in large quantity then what else we have I've just recently started trying these these are sugar snappies also organic they look like a little kind of green bean like a deal look and you can just eat them raw they're really good so I'm going to pile those on and then what I've got here is uh I've got some organic red bell peppers these guys I sliced up a few days ago and I just kept them in my fridge so I did some of the prep work here in reality this is going to take you longer to do than what I'm showing you because I've already I've already washed some of this stuff I've already prepared it I'd sliced some of it so that's prep work you're going to have to do I've got some some radishes here a nice red radish these guys are going to slice up so basically what you got to start doing and what I've been getting on to on board too is eating more raw because I think that even when you read a nutrition book and they tell you to eat more vegetables you tend to start to think like okay more vegetables what does that mean that means like I'll eat more potatoes and I'll eat more like I'll eat more sauteed vegetables or stir-fry vegetables or fry even fried vegetables and you'll count that as a vegetable that's not really a vegetable that's that is you kidding yourself a real vegetable is either raw or in almost raw form so maybe if you lightly steamed it like steamed broccoli or you just very lightly lightly saute something otherwise don't delude yourself into thinking that you're eating vegetables and potatoes do not count as a vegetable neither this rice need of this grain I'm talking about vegetables that your mom forced you to eat when you were a kid that's basically what's the healthiest for you and all these vegetables I get organic who really knows if organic is better I haven't really found conclusive evidence of that but if you care about your health and you want to avoid potential problems down the road you know why not I think it's a good expense to have I mean organic vegetables they'll cost you about twice as much a little bit less than twice much than conventional but when it comes to your health you don't want to be cheap all right so we've got that what else do I want tomato let's slice this guy up he's also organic and what this is going to do is this is going to create a salad and then I've also got some pasture-raised eggs then I'm going to throw on top of it that I've already I've already cooked up on a skillet all right so you got Tomatoes BAM now here's a trick that I just recently discovered which is I would say a million dollar trick and that is get a big plate if you're eating lots of vegetables you need to eat a large quantity of them otherwise you're going to be hungry just because there's more volume and less calorie they're less calorie dense so this is not like eating a candy bar Snickers bar which takes this much volume but has a thousand calories in it right this whole thing right here this whole plate look this this is a massive plate of food this is something that they would serve - probably a family of four right but this is vegetable you can't get fat off this if you eat this so you want large volume of vegetables that means you have to buy more of them really stock up on a lot of them and don't be afraid to pile them on you're going to need them otherwise you can feel hungry so this this meal I'll actually burn through it pretty quick and I'll start to feel hungry in a few hours just because they're vegetables that's how it's supposed to be and the trick is get a large plate a lot like look at these are the plates I had that I've used previously when I was not eating some adesh Tibbles and really this plate is too small you can't fit enough vegetables on this plate so this is something is like very practical but if you don't have a large plate and you don't get this idea then you're gonna be struggling and you're not gonna be getting enough you're gonna feel hungry and basically then you're going to drop off your vegetarian diet or you're going to drop off some healthy diet because you're simply not having enough vegetables you need huge quantities of them don't be shy okay so this is basically what I've got here and what I'm going to do is I'm going to I'm gonna make a dressing for my salad and what I've got here is I've got organic extra virgin olive oil first cold-pressed this is the best he can get so by that I'm just going to pour that into my cup and with it I'm going to mix half a lemon just going to squeeze that in there lemons it's not important to buy organic because really organic you want to buy if you're going to be eating the outer part of the vegetable or the fruit so any kind of fruit or vegetable that your that you end up peeling it's not so important because the pesticides and whatever chemicals they use when they're spraying them with non-organic vegetables that stuff is going to be discarded anyways you're not going to eat the peel but for example stuff like tomatoes you're not going to peel so you want those to be organic and things like little baby carrots you know you're not going to peel those and you're not going to of course peel your leaves so your greens you want those organic for sure all right so I've got that this is lemon juice and olive oil the other thing I do is I buy this organic brown mustard which is made with apple cider vinegar and really the ingredients are whole organic mustard seed organic apple cider vinegar water and sea salt so this is good and healthy stuff I'm going to take a scoop of that and just mix it all in here and I eyeball all this so I don't measure anything it just takes too long to measure stuff so i eyeball it to get enough dressing to cover as much salad as you want and just pour it on like that okay and then I am going to salt this guy so salt as far as salt goes get rid of all your white table salt that stuff is poison for you it's chemically processed and stripped of all nutrients this what I have is I have a pink Himalayan sea salt you can also get other varieties of natural salt like Celtic sea salt and first of all you find that they taste so much better and you can you can just see that this is natural like this is this is what you would imagine them picking out of the sea or filtering it from the ground or whatever however they obtain this stuff but what's nice about this is that this kind of salt this is actually good for you it's got nutrients in it minerals in it that your white table salt doesn't have so this I use in large quantities I'm not afraid to salt stuff also in large quantities because these vegetables otherwise are pretty pretty bland there's nothing too exciting going on here but one of the things that you notice is that once you start to wean yourself off the junk food and you start to wean yourself off the even even the more healthy food which is still junky like if you're eating breads or if you're eating if you're eating any kind of grains really once you start to wean yourself off of that stuff you sort of feel so much better and your tastes start to change and the stuff that you thought you needed like you needed that barbecue sauce and that ranch dressing and at Mayo and you know all those all those like bold titillating flavors you're going to notice that they're not they're not that important and that you don't really miss them and what you start to develop is you start to develop this like higher value higher appreciation of eating food for you that's actually healthy something that's actually healthy like this like right now I bet if I gave you this salad even though it like it looks nice and everything if I gave this to you and I said eat this for a week make one of these everyday and just eat it for a week you you're you're like your mind and your body and your taste buds would just rebel against it because you're so used to all the all the junk that you're eating if you're eating a standard American right you're you're eating all the sugars although all those lattes you're buying all the milk products that you're eating the dairy the wheat I like I'm not even talking about the worst of the junk food even the stuff that you would get in a decent restaurant it's still garbage it's really garbage it's destroying you from the inside out it's causing cancer it's causing Alzheimer's disease it's causing heart disease it's causing diabetes of course its hat it's causing all your weight gain all your fat if you're fat the only reason that you're fat is because you eat a very poor diet and you also don't exercise ever so that is what's killing you there and that is going to have a horrible horrible effect on your performance in life and what you can really achieve so if I gave this salad to you my point was is that you would you would eat it but you wouldn't really even be satisfied with it you would want that bold stimulating flavor that that you get right now with whatever it is that you're addicted to food wise so it takes your you know takes some time to wean yourself off of it and eventually when you do win yourself off you feel so much better and what you what you discover is that you start to actually get a sense of appreciation for eating something healthy even though it doesn't taste as good so this doesn't taste as good as a Big Mac right it doesn't taste as good as a steak smothered in barbecue sauce or ribs with barbecue sauce or something like that but it feels good it feels good to eat it because you know that you're burning clean you're like you're putting clean fuel into your can you know into your car but your car here is your body your body is your car and it also affects the performance of your mind so this stuff you have to really you know have to train yourself to like this but when you do you do actually like it and you know now I enjoy this and I enjoy it on different levels I enjoy it both on the level of taste but also on the level of the higher values that I'm after so the other thing that I've got that I'm going to put on here because there's not much protein here is eggs and most of you probably have not even had a real egg in your life and don't know what it really gives what is a real egg a real egg is this it's a pasture-raised egg this is simply organic this is pasture-raised this means that the hen was let out to pasture and was let out to roam around in the Sun on a prairie and actually eat bugs and and grass or whatever it is that hens eat they were able to eat that stuff what they naturally eat and they were able to be outdoors and then they were able to lay these eggs and then you get these eggs pasture-raised eggs I get these guys at Whole Foods now this carton costs about $7 what is a standard carton of eggs cost a standard carton of eggs costs about $2 you could probably even get them for a dollar 50 if you get larger than a dozen organic eggs cost around 450 so this is twice almost twice as expensive as an organic egg an organic egg is almost twice as expensive as a standard egg so this is about I would say 7 times maybe 6 7 times more expensive than a standard egg now you might wonder well that's expensive I don't have that kind of money to burn on stupid eggs well what you don't realize is that you haven't really read some of the shocking things about how eggs are produced and what they feed those hens and what they feed traditional hands those cheap white eggs that you buy at Walmart or wherever what they feed them is they feed them corn and soybeans and they basically disease them from the inside out because they they feed them the lowest quality food that can possibly be fed in order to keep that hand literally barely breathing in laying eggs and then that that hen pops out that egg and then that egg is Carden and then you buy it at Walmart and what happens is that then you're eating that egg but the nutritional value of that egg is significantly lower than the nutritional value of this egg and you can actually see it when you start cracking these eggs I'll actually show you another segment when you actually start cracking these eggs you'll see that they crack different their shell it breaks apart differently than a traditional egg and also the yolk the yolk is a bright and not a bright but a deep rich orange it's not a yellow color it's not that pale yellow yolk these are real eggs and when you actually buy this I encourage you just to buy it once even if you're not going to be making a habit of it buy it once and take a look at the consistency in the quality of the yolk and the whites and the shell and you're going to see that there's there's something to this idea that these are really different than what you're normally being fed pasture-raised eggs they're expensive but this is the stuff that you should be eating if you're going to be eating any kind of animal protein at all it should be pasture raised it should not be factory farmed so I've already cooked up some eggs I made three of them just kind of put them in a pan and fry them up for five minutes so I'm just going to toss these on top I already salted them and that is it so that's my meal so this will last me for pretty much half the day right now I'm not eating that much I'm not working out at the gym so much and not trying to put on too much muscle I've actually been losing that and that means I can get away with eating less like this but if I was really working out a lot and I need a lot of energy and I was burning through a lot of calories then I'd probably have to eat like three of these salads a day plus other stuff that I eat I mean this is not all I eat all the dark chocolate I'll eat wild Alaskan smoked salmon what else do I eat I will eat these desserts that I make from frozen berries organic frozen berries which are really awesome and before I went on to this vegetarian phase I really liked to eat a grass-fed organic steak which you can get at Whole Foods and other places like a higher quality markets so basically I mean this is this is what I eat now you got to ask yourself how close is your diet to this are you eating this or what are you eating how much of your diet is fried how much how much of it is just totally overcooked how much of it is seared and grilled and and charred how much of it is like totally stood and sauteed so all the nutrients are gone how much of it is coming from high quality ingredients versus low quality ingredients what percentage of your diet is vegetables and what percentage of you diet is fruits and I mean real vegetables not potatoes and other junk vegetables I mean real leafy either green or red or orange vegetables so how much is your diet like that versus the standard American diet I'm willing to bet that what you're eating right now is a hundred times worse that what I'm showing you guys and the reason that is is because I know I know how hard it is to make the switch it takes it takes discipline it also takes an awareness it takes a higher awareness and understanding of what the hell is going on you have to read nutrition books you have to really build a case for yourself to convince yourself why you should be eating this way versus not because to eat like this even though this was a simple setup that I had here and I made this meal in about 10 minutes this is not something you're going to do this is not something that comes naturally and easily in our culture in our culture what comes actually and easily are the doughnuts and bagels at work it's the McDonald's breakfast sandwich that you get on your way to work when you're rushed it's the McDonald's you get for your kids when you got to take them to soccer practice and you don't have much time it's the expensive restaurant that you go out to and that expensive steak that you buy with your girlfriend or boyfriend you go out and you do that couple times a week or whenever a couple times a month well what do you think you think that expensive steak do you think that's an organic steak do you think that is a pasture-raised steak grass-fed steak no that's the cheapest possible steak that they could buy so that that restaurant could have the highest profit margin so even if you're going to a really expensive Steakhouse that's charging you $40 for a New York Strip then York Strip they're serving you that's the lowest possible cut the lowest possible quality of meat that they could have found and sold you because they're trying to keep their margins up and so even though you're paying a lot for it maybe it comes with some fancy side issues and some fancy service and a fancy decor and white tablecloth but what you're actually feeding your body is still garbage so I was saying this is a tough transition to make and to start to make this transition you have to you have to build a case in your mind for why it's important you have to start to notice the effects that all the junk food that you're eating is having on your performance at work on your performance with your family on your performance in bed on your mood and ultimately on your health because the reason that I bought into this is because I want to live a long life and I want to live a healthy life and I don't want cancer I don't want Alzheimer's disease I don't want to be fat I was that way and it's horrible it's disgusting it's pathetic it hurts your self-esteem it hurts your your ability to be in a successful relationship whether you believe that or not it actually does a shallow that may sound so all these are factors and for me probably the most important factor is the fact that I really value my purpose in life and I value the work that I do I really want to have an impact on people and to do that that means a I need to live long enough to do that and I want to live as long as I can because in my later years what I'm going to be 60 and 70 and 80 hopefully I get to that point that's when some of my best work can happen because my work is intellectual so by that point I can just imagine how much knowledge I've built up how much wisdom I have and how well I can communicate that to other people and so that's really when I'm gonna be in my prime is what I'm going to be much older not right now right now I'm just starting up and so to to be at that older age and to be able to have the kind of impact that I want well I know that I need to be healthy because if I'm going to be 60 years old let's say and I'm going to have back problems and I'm going to have cancer problems and I'm going to have various diseases and I would be overweight I'm not going to have energy I'm going to be impotent I have all the if I have all those problems then how am I going to be able to to communicate how am I going to be able to go out there with energy and give a speech how am I going to be able to write something powerful how am I going to be able to coach people how am I going to be able to do whatever it is I'm doing at that point and I'll probably have many things that I can't even imagine on my plate then that I don't have right now so how am I going to have the energy and the health to do that well this is it right here this is how and this is not just for the future I mean this is this is giving me health right now this is giving me energy right now if I were to replace this right now with a cheeseburger and fries and a milkshake and that's what I was going to eat then I would literally feel so bad that I would not be able to continue to work after shooting this video I'd have to go sit down and take a breather for a couple hours just to recuperate right I remember how that was feeling lethargic and sleepy and just absolutely god-awful so this thing is serving me now because I'm going to eat this and I'm going to feel great I'm going to feel light and empty and I'm going to be able to go and do whatever I want to do I just came back from the gym so I'm already feeling pumped and I want to shoot this video for you guys because I knew you guys were asking about nutrition and I wanted to show you what it really looks like to eat healthy so if you're taking one thing away from this it's eat more green vegetables start cleaning up your diet because it's really important to the performance and the quality of life they're going to have if you want to live an extraordinary kind of life the kind of life that I want for you guys if you want to really become self actualized which is the mission of Astral eyes org then you have to start looking after your nutrition it's all connected together don't start to separate different parts of your lives you have to see how everything is intertwined alright this is Leo I'm gonna be signing off I'm gonna enjoy my tasty meal here and what I would like from you is I would like you to leave some comments down below share your experiences with cleaning up diet also please like this and share this spread the message and I'd like you to check out our newsletter at actualized org where you can go and sign up for the newsletter which means you're going to get awesome weekly updates free videos that I release every week articles other downloads that I plan to have and of course the reason you want to sign up beyond the bonuses that we've got is because I bring you wisdom I bring you the stuff that you need to know to develop this higher sense of understand your life to really start to coalesce debate and awesome life in every part of your life get every domain of your life handled so that you can live an exciting supercharged vital life full of energy and then you can aspire other people with that drive and if you sign up right now you get an exclusive 19 part video series that is only available to my subscribers and you also get a chance to win two hours of free coaching with me which I 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